Well I'm here at work right waiting for time to go by, looking at kingsnake classifieds. And I ran acroos an add for cages local pick up only. And I only live 20 min away from pick up point. This guy is selling 3 cages for $150 and $60 each. And the company that make the cages are called Neodesha here's their site
http://www.neodeshacages.com/ But I've never heard of them I'm trying to get rid of my to 20 gallon glass tanks and see if I can put them in those.... Ohhh yeah here's the ad market.king*snake.com/detail.ph...8&de=217026
Well my question is if any1 has heard of this company and are these good cages? My rosys only need a 20 gal for the rest of their live so the space is not the problem it just the question if the plastic cages can be their home/habitat and not just a display. I asked for pics or if I can check them out this weekend. Any feed back on these guys would be great thanks.