in the wake of gas prices insurance falls by the way side
i dont really care about the gas prices much i think the insurance industry is out of control tho.
here is my story ...
i drive a 91 chev cav (garbage car lol) i was paying $59 a month for insurance basic plus contents or what ever it is called.
i got my self into a little bind and had a misunderstanding with my bank and my insurance got cancelled due to non payment , no big deal my fault.
this is where it makes me really mad when i went to go get insurance on the same car my quotes were as follows $179 / month and $160 / month, my rating went from a 5 star to a 2 star because of the non payment.
when i questioned this they said that it has been prooven that people with bad credit or dont pay bills are more likely to have an accident (B.S)
why isnt the insurance that we pay based on driving record ?
also as a side note i havent had any accidents, or tickets as well
im in the process of filing a complaint with my provincial member of parliment on this issue
if anybody else has any feed back fire away