what to do after regurge
my new gray banded king regurged one of the rats I fed him the other day
I am not certain that it was a regurge because I've never had a snake regurge on me, but the rat did not look digested and definitely didn't look like snake poop that I've seen, still had fur, etc...basically the rat just looked wet
my temps were a little on the high side (98) so I lowered them
I fed him 2 rat fuzzies and I only see one on the regurge (regurge happened about 2 days after feeding)
I am guessing that stress caused the regurge due to improper handling on my part
my main question is what kind of special needs does he need to recover?
I know not to feed him for a little while, but how long?
also, do I need to make sure he always has plenty of water after a regurge?
thanks in advance