Freaked out mom
My mom was on Pender Island when she was walking on the way to the ferry and there was a guy with a Boa Constrictor (could be a burm but the way she described it sounded more like a Boa) around his neck that was 7-8 ft. long ( that's at least what she said.) She almost got run over because she was freaked out and she has the biggest phobia for snakes. Know I just wish I was there in stead of my mom Lol! It's kind of ironic that my mom has this huge phobia over snakes and I love them so much. If my mom didn't this phobia I would probably at least have corn snake know. But I'm workin the phobia of reptiles out of her know she'll handle my leo with no worries and she'll even call him cute. Well it'll just take a long while for her to get over it but at least she's making progress. Last year she couldn't be anywhere near a lizard. So all best hopes she'll get over it.