Freezing does have an effect on the tissue of the prey animal, rub your finger across the back of a frozen rat and check out all the hair that comes off... far more than would be the case for an unfrozen freshly killed animal. The tissue breakdown is pretty minimal however, as long as the freezing process is quick enough to prevent immediate decay and cold enough to ****** decomposition lonf term... Much like with a frozen steak though, eventually it will go bad.
As to placing the feeder rodent inside a bag and slamming them off a table... Messy. Imprecise and messy. Breaking the neck is much quicker, cleaner and easier, most you get then is a small nosebleed and those only infrequently.
-Seamus Haley
"Genes, Like Leibnitz's monads, have no windows; the higher properties of life are emergent... And once assembled, organisms have no windows." - Edward Wilson, Sociobiology