everyone Please read this
Hi everyone,
I asked a local reptile shop about introducing a fogger into my tank to icrease the humidity, the guy told me that it would cause my snake to get breathing problems. Is that true?
I can maintain a 60-80% humidity level if I spray it down everyday twice a day.
I was told to do it once every two days, but my humidity will drop to 50 or so.
I have a 48 x 18 x 24 enclosure that is heated by lights my tank maintains 83-85 degrees in the day and 80-83 degrees at night.
I'll spray at 2:00 in the afternoon and then 1:00 in the morning.
Please let me know if this is o.k, If the fogger and misting will hurt my snake and if what Iam doing is o.k.
Last edited by nuno; 10-11-02 at 09:29 PM..