Egg tragedgy
Today Vanan noticed something white in my female russian rat cage. We found six bright white eggs, dried up. I'm in tears right now. One looks alright. The others are shriveled, but I can feel fluid in them. We put them into the incubator and now we can only hope. We were away to the TARAS show this weekend and arrived last night totally beat. This morning we were up early before 6 am and we just found them this afternoon after work.
I'm in tears right now. Just spend the last ten minutes bawling my eyes out in the bedroom. I didn't expect her to lay soon, as she's still in shed. Serves me right.
If the eggs don't make it. At least I know I did it right. All the eggs looked beautiful and big. The female looks good and we may try for a second batch.
I feel utterly stupid. I should have checked, but I was so tired, I totally forgot about checking all my gravid snakes. I am totally bummed out.