Anyone into Pinball?
Just thought I'd see if there were any Pinheads on this site since it has such a variatey of people on here. I love pinball, I've begun to start my own collection. I've managed to pick up my 2 favorites from when I was a kid. My first pinball machine is The Addams Family, and I just bought Terminator 2 hopefully I'll be picking it up this Friday. I've also got the old Street Fighter 2 arcade machine, my hobby really started with that one when I found a convience store selling it for $50. Picked it up, fixed it up myself and got it working again. It really can be rewarding and it really reminds me of the hours and hours I speant in arcades as a child.
So anyone else collect Pinball or Arcade Machines?
Adam Becker
1.2.1 Ball Pythons
1.0 Cali King Snake (Weebl)
0.0.1 Black Breasted Leaf Turtle (Hootie)