Not sure what to do with this rat
I have a 1.4 colony of rats. Four of the adults are sweet as can be - I can reach in, do whatever I want to with them and they will never try to hurt me. The fifth is a whole other story. She starting biting when she was pregnant so I gave her the benefit of the doubt because she was pregnant and I know they can sometimes be nippy when they are. She nailed me real good a couple of times (to the bone more than once and wouldn't let go until I flipped her on her back and rubbed her belly). After that I stopped handling her, except with gloves and then one day she nailed me right through the gloves. Since then I haven't handled her at all and if I've had to move her, I grabbed her by the tail. Last night I had to reach into the enclosure and was moving something around - not even trying to touch her - and she actually ran across the cage to bite me. I was able to pull away before she did anything more than nick me, but even that started to bleed and hurt quite a bit today. I've decided I've had enough of her as she isn't even that great a producer so she's not worth keeping around. The problem is that I don't have a snake big enough to feed her to. My BP is eating small rats but this is a full grown adult. My bp might possibly be able to handle her by the end of this year if she starts eating consistenty sometime soon and puts on some girth, but she certainly couldn't take her now. I don't really want to keep this rat and risk a bite any time I have to reach into the cage. Would you whack her now and freeze her in double freezer bags until such time as the bp can eat her, or what would you do? (I don't know anyone with a snake big enough to eat her).
0.1 Ball Python, 0.1 Creamsicle Cornsnakes, 1.0 Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Ghost Cornsnake, 1.0 Motel Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Okeetee Cornsnake, 0.1 Striped Amelanistic Cornsnake, 0.1 Silver Phase Miami Cornsnake, 0.1 Sunglow Cornsnake