Made a full sized refrigerator into an incubator in 2 minutes!
Yes, 2 minutes!
Our main incubator is out on loan, I have my first one (a hovabator) here incubating lizard eggs - and I was going to build a fridge incubator with my spare hovabator thermostat.
Except I don't have a spare hovabator thermostat - or atleast I couldn't find it.
Anyways, yesterday it looked like one of the pythons might be getting ready to lay - so I new I had to act quick. My plan was to rob the thermostat from the hovabator - and spend a day making a really nice incubator out of a fridge, fan, thermostat and heat tape.
Then I realized, the hovabator lid has a thermostat, a heating element and a fan. It also fit, upside down, into the bottom of the fridge quite nicely. The cord fits through the door.
It holds the temperature right now to .4 degrees F. I'm going to fill some tubs with moist vermiculite, and see how much variation there is between racks (hot air rises). I do have a small fan that is read to go in there and be on all of the time if need be, but at this point I'm guessing it won't be needed.
So, any of you needing more room than your hovabator - get nonworking fridge and give this a shot. (I had originally built my other incubator so I could remove the "guts" and put them into a fridge) Most people are happy to give you their non working fridge, just to get rid of it.
I may drill a small hole into the side of the fridge - but I expect to be opening it a couple of times a week - so I am not sure if a small hole is needed.