Hoggy still not eating:(:(
Hey all,
It's been a month or so since i bought my western hognose( Bob), ther first feeding session you started to swollow it but then spit it back out for soem unknowen reason (possibly to big?). I brought her back to the pet store to see if they could help and the one dude force feed her just so shed at least have something in her as she was losing a bit of wieght i then waited two weeks and tried again not surprisingly without results, I knowsapphire_moon you, said your were having problems but eventually yours started eating any tips or anything that i should try? thx in advance everyone.
rock on
reptile expo on sunday whos going?   
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon
Last edited by Nicky; 04-16-04 at 10:53 PM..