Well, it was a gorgeous day today. I thought I would try my luck at my favourite, undiscovered herpers paradise and see if I could set any records for early skink sightings (this site is literally crawling with
Eumeces fasciatus). No such luck. The earliest I have seen them out is still not for another few weeks.
However, some herps were out and about.....
The seemingly ubiquitous Eastern Redback Salamander (
Plethodon cinereus):
And of course, the also somewhat ubiquitous Eastern Garter Snake (
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis):
Can you see him?
A few habitat/site shots:
Here we are at the highest point at our site. Quite the long fall off that shear-cliff, but I had a pretty good foothold....
Not as great as I had hoped, but pretty good for mid-April when the lakes are still frozen.
And of course, a bad day of herpin' is always better than a good day at work