Hey! I just wanted to show you the little brb i am bringing back to health here!
She was sent to me by Chris Marshell who asked me if i wanted to take her in. He was given the animal from a unfit owner and asked me if i had time to work with her. When we got her, her coloring was VERY dull and she was really skinny... about as thin as a nickel and 3.5 feet long. She was almost all brown.. Me and Chris came to the conclusion she was dehydrated and mal nurished, so i have given her pedialite to rehydrate her and kept her at 95% humidity wish a huge water bowl. Her color has done a complete 360 and she is getting better looking every day... her feeding response is CRAZY and is just pounding the mice so her girth should be up to par soon.. I have named her Destiny and she now has a great home and i think she will be just fine! here is a updated picture of her
Chris can vouche that she was almost completely brown when we took her in, so this is a pretty incredible turn around