Science enrichment project for my students next year. I need some input from the gro
As some of you know I keep a Leopard gecko in my class now and in the past I’ve kept Beardies and a corn. Well next year I’m planning on taking it a step further. I’m going to take two corns into the class and have the students go through the process of raising them and breeding them. This project will have use a multitude of academic skills including reading, writing and math.
The students will be responsible for keeping feeding and growth records for the snakes. They will also learn how to brumate the snakes and then pair them for breeding. In conjunction with learning how to care for and breed the snakes in captivity they will also learn how to construct a simple incubator. In the fall when they return to school with any luck they will be returning to a health clutch of neonate corn snakes.
So here are my concerns. Once school is done I have to move those eggs home because I will need to monitor the incubator and eggs for temp and humidity. Any thoughts on moving the eggs would be appreciated. I thought I would have an incubator at home ready for the eggs and then move the eggs home in their egg box inside of a shipping styro. I wouldn’t try this with python eggs but with corns I’m not too worried.
Finally I thought it would be nice to send snakes home with the students who take part. To do this I thought that students who wanted a snake could receive parental consent first and foremost. Once I have a list of students who have parental consent I could conduct a lottery after the snakes are born. Snakes then only go home with those students that have proven that they have an appropriate cage ready and waiting at home.
What pit falls if any do you see with this way of distributing what the students helped to produce?
Thanks for your time,