B.C. Amarali
Hey folks,
I've been interested in short-tailed boas ever since I first got into snakes, but I've never seen one in captivity, never talked to anyone who kept this subspecies, and have never seen one for sale (apart from on KS.) I've always been amazed by the attenuated peaks of their reddish saddles, which always look wickedly spiked to me, the strange silvery-blue base, and their often abberant pattern.
Just wondering if some one out there might be able to share some info about their experiences keeping these animals. Amarali care sheets are few and far between, and I'd be interested to find out a little about their husbandry requirements. So far, I've gathered a bit of info..they grow to roughly the same proportions as BCI and come in Bolivian and Brazilian locales (am I right about this?), but I'd love to hear more about disposition, hardiness, regurge syndrome etc. and what the difference between Bolivians and Brazilians boils down to.
Also, are they readily available commercially and how much do they usually go for? They seem to be very popular in Europe, and from my limited knowledge of german, I've gleaned from certain .de websites that some strains of them (namely so called silverbacks) exhibit some pronounced genetic defects. Any info would be appreciated.