OK, Tiki is in his new enclosure. I think I went a little overboard. He is in the top of a 2 cage unit I picked up. Each cage is 3' high, 3' wide, and a little over 2' deep with douple pane insulated glass front and side opening doors. Not my first choice of door placement, but what do ya want for $40 I wired it up with a Florescent on the X10 system timers and a standard fixture with a black light for 24 hour heat (I am getting a bulb cover tomorrow). Warm perches are at 85, cool sposts are at 77-78. He has 5 horizontal perches. The two lowest ones are over the water bowl. several perching areas have plant cover if feels reclusive. The door opens on the right, the vent holes are drill on the left side. I think I may add more vents on the back or the right side to get better circulation. And it holds humidity like a champ. Most of the GTPs that I have dealt with in the past were for resale, this is the first one to be a permenant part of the collection. Any ideas on improving the enclosure are encouraged.