I'm so freaked!
I know I never post, but I need to get this out of my system, and only Herpers understand.
Yesterday, I had reason for the police to come to my house. The Chief himself walks in, and the first thing out of his mouth was to ask if I had a permit. I obviously said no, as I had no clue what he was talking about until he pointed at my boa. It seems I could have been cited right then, while not even knowing I need a permit! He didn't give me one, (a citation) but I had to get a copy of the ordinance on exotics, and comply immediately. To do this, I must get $250,000. liability insurance, call the Zoning Inspecter to have my cages checked, and pay for the permit whether they pass inspection or not. The biggest problem? Some of my snakes are still in tanks, and to pass inspection, I have to have padlocks that are key opening only. The Ord. also says you can only take them out to go to the vet, but that's easy to get around. This couldn't have happened at a worse time, as cash is at a bare minimum, with little hope for extra to build cages. I'm lost, wanting to keep crying, and needed to tell you all; check into where you live. The stress of this is just crazy.