You may have heard already, but there is an attempt to get a snake hibernaculum built in Ballantrae Park in near Stoufville. Unfortunately, the local council is not happy about the idea of having a 'snake pit' in the park

Letters to the mayor and local councillors would be a great thing, as would phone calls to your local councillor to express your support for a hibernation site.
Construction of the site would be by volunteers, with all of the materials already donated. There's no cost to the town, so no issues about tax dollars, etc.
The nearest homes are apparently about 75 metres away from the location, with a creek and a 6' chain link fence in between.
I don't have numbers or addresses for the councillors yet, but I'll get them if anyone needs them. Please do what you can to express your support, and let me know how it goes. Don't forget to be polite, though!
There will also be a council meeting on the subject in early April. I'll post details about it when I get them. It'd be great if some people could attend the meeting to show support!
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!