Hey everyone i am new to this site but I have a cham04 seems to be right on this one, i have had 1 red ear slider, and 1 mississippi in a 29 gallon and they are no bigger than wehn i put them there a year ago, both of them are now ony two inches big, so if he has 17 turtles in a big tank then ill have to agree when i say i know TURTLES from babies only grow to fit the enclosure, it is a known fact, ive raised a few turtles myself...sorry to disappoint you everyone...and I have a cham04 if your turtles are happy, then you are doing something right, goodluck man....
my opinions are my opinions, no one is forcing them upon you, please dont take offense.
~wash hands before and after handling your pet, you dont want to get you or your pet sick~