OMG, so guess what, Crested Geckos DO retain sperm! i bought the female October 18th, she did not lay the eggs until December 29th, and tonight i have a new baby. the other one died i think he suffocated, poor thing. i had seen the eggs oozing, so i tried to see what was going on, and the baby just popped out. then he opened his mouth wide and bounced. What do i do? i have a small critter keeper that fits inside the other tank, and i have blocked the view of baby and mom, so they cannot see each other. but he'll get the lighting and temps he needs, i hope. i gave him water in a babyfood dish. Does this sound ok? will he eat right away or will he have to shed first? is there anything i should be aware of? EEEk! i am so darn excited that i checked the eggs RIGHT before he hatched. I actually was wondering if there was any baby in those eggs. OMG he is so small! he could fit on a quarter, but his tail would hang off. if i knew how, i'd post a photo, but if anyone wants to see, i can email you a photo.