I just finished typing a nice long post about the following info, the accidently shut the window before posting it. I'm not going to re-type it, but I will give the basic points with links to the info (sorry).
According to the NHIC's (MNR Natural Heritage Information Centre) website & Winter Newsletter, Black Ratsnakes (Elaphe o. obosleta) are now considered to be Central Ratsnakes (Elaphe spiloides).
....so does this mean Elaphe o. o. are now legal to own in Ontario ( :devil: I had to ask)
Common names will no longer be two words, they are now one, e.g. ratsnake, milksnake, watersnake.
Brownsnakes and Red-bellied snakes have each been broken up into two sub-species:
Storeria d. dekayi - Northern Brownsnake
Storeria d. wrightorum - Midland Brownsnake
Storeria o. occipitomaculata - Northern Red-bellied Snake
Storeria occipitomaculata pahasapae - Black Hill Red-bellied Snake
Please check out the links for more info:
NHIC Winter Newsletter
NHIC Species - Reptiles