housing a baby veiled
i am going to be getting a baby veiled chameleon, approximately 2 - 2.5 inches. i have a cage 2x2x4, but it is too big to put a baby in. i know you can house babies in a ten gallon aquarium until they get a little bigger, but i was wondering can you house it in an 18 gallon rubbermaid container? you can have papertowels on the bottom, and plenty of branches and plants to climb on. i would cut a hole on each side and cover it with a part ofa screen.so this way he can get a pretty good ventilation. also, i think this might be better because it would help hold in more humidity then a 10 gallon tank with a screen top. if anyone has done this before, or thinks it is a bad or good idea, please let me know.
thanks a lot.
hmm, i forgot something - heating. i guess i could cut out a hole the size of a dome light on the top and put screen on it. then i could rest the light on that patch of screen
Last edited by kidchameleon; 02-22-04 at 04:44 PM..