What do you do with bleeders?
We have/had a 1.4 group, and my beige female had 2 black (the color patern is like an otter! black back head, white bellies!) babies, 1 male, 1 female.
I didn't want a 1.5 group as that would be way to many for my snakes. So I took out the one little female that hasn't started breeding yet and was just under 4wks old.
Thing is when I whacked her she bled from the nose and mouth. I wiped up the blood and something like a clot came out the mouth? What do you do with your bleeders? Do you wipe the blood from around where they are bleeding and wait for it to stop? Or do you just throw them in a bag and put them in the freezer? For those of you that whack and freeze.....
thanks for your help.
The Mischief:
Neptune, Zion, Enigma,
Mischief~ Hamster