Your oppinion on a weird incubation procedure..
Let me first of all say .. I keep only snakes and monitors.. this is not my field at all .. lol actually my first post ever in this forum
I bought a gravid female crested for a good firend of mine and warned her that eggs were comming.. so a few weeks later she got eggs.. I explained to her how to care for them but she did not listen ..
She incubated them in a tupperware with pappertowel.. a bit moist papper towel .. after about 45 days of incubation .. I finally convince her to switch to vermiculite..anywho .. I have no idea if these eggs are alive now (theres 4 now) .. but the two first ones are at the 65 day peried and still look good althoguh .. supposably .. the bottom of the eggs is leaking some of the yolk . I am guessing its from being on the paper towel or I seriously doubt it but maybe hatching..
I really don't know what else to tell her but LEAVE em alone..
Anywho .. what are your thoughs.. I though they were one of the easiest thing to incubate.. I guess it was too hard for her lol Not sure excacly on incubation time and all so let me know ure oppinions.
Tx Dom
1.3 Coastals 6.6 Jungles
3.4 West Papuan 1.0 Bred'ls
1.1 Yellow condas 0.1 Sebea
**looking for female Bredl's python**