Hi all,
Just wanted to comment on my OBT (OrangeBiteyThing)...oops, sorry...my P. murinus.
I got it as a teeny black sling recently. It is a ferocious eater, unlike the avic sp. I have, it does not wait for the cricket to wander up to it. It pops it legs out, and comes down to hunt its food as soon as you snap the deli lid closed.
After just two molts, it has grown a ton, and has turned orange already. I can see the black star on its prosoma, and the undersides of the legs are a nice black. Its a very nice spider.
For those of you who are impatient, I recommend getting one of these, its always up to something interesting!:w
Anybody else have a fast-growing or neat spider to have?
My favorite is my parahybana. It is always hungry, and always visible. Not nervous or skittish. The kind of spider that instead of running and hiding, strolls over to see what you're doing to the waterdish!
Have a great day.