Wich model is the better incubator..
Hey - any input anyone???
I am planning on building a new incubator for this year.. I have narrowed it down to 3 choices.. (incubating python eggs)
Let me know in your oppinion wich one would work best .. why and if u had any experience with it..
(My choice for egg boxes are 3 inches of verculite ... the plastic grill on top and the eggs over the plastic .. not touching the vermiculite)
Incubator #1
The common water heater in a styro cooler with a suspended egg box in it .. Used it last year with success .. Possible fan if I do this again .. *Humidity everywhere.. hard on fan .. had leak problems last year .. had to throw out at the end of the incubation.
Incubator #2
Build a wooden box essentially .. Use heat tape and a fan to heat the box.. *no humidity in the box
Have the eggbox simply put in the wooden box.. only one or two holes.. No water.. just the damp vermiculite..
Incubator # 3
This is the more complexe but the one I like the most..
Wooden box with heat tape and fan again .. No humdity
Then DOUBLE containers.. The first one is fully cealed with no air holes and water at the bottom .. The inside container has a few holes.. and either the vermiculite and plastic grill or just the grill for a no substrate idea..
These are my top 3 choices ..
I am leaning for the idea #3 .. but what are your thoughts??
Its gonna be done in the days or so to follow ... Ill let u know what i did..
1.3 Coastals 6.6 Jungles
3.4 West Papuan 1.0 Bred'ls
1.1 Yellow condas 0.1 Sebea
**looking for female Bredl's python**