Tortoises Illegal in Saskatchewan??
Yesterday at work my boss told me that he was talking to some guy around Pike Lake who has a small Reptile Zoo thing. He keeps snakes and needed a zoo permit to have some of them. He told my boss that tortoises are illegal in Saskatchewan. He said he checked into it a while ago and could not obtain permits to keep them unless under his "zoo".
Is this true? Anyone who knows please help me out here. I am NOT parting with my torts. No matter what!!
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor