Being hated?
I have a 1.2 rat trio for breeding. Well, this has been my first time breeding my own food rats, and one of my girls gave birth a few days ago. These guys are pet rats, and I'm quite fond of them. I've just decided to breed them every so often when I need snake food. (I know, sounds kind of mean!) So yesterday I had my dad hold the mother in the bathroom, while I took two pinks to feed to the snakes. What I'm wondering is, should I take all of the rat babies exept one (as I'm planning on keeping one male anyways) or should I take them gradually, a few every night? These are my pets, so I don't want her to hate me for life when she realises her babies are missing. Should I mabye have taken them all but one a little while after she had them?
Whats the best way to get her babies away without her hating me? :S
Tammy Rehbein
-You can search all day for something and never find it, only to see it in the most obvious of places after you've stopped looking.-