Yayy!! I was totally bugged about the Fear Factor crap, so I sent an email to a place someone had listed as a humane society for television animals. Here's the reply from the super nice lady!! I urge you to send letters to the place she mentions!!!!
Dear Jeff:
AHA has been working with the LA City Deputy Attorney, Robert Ferber, on this matter and we have encouraged viewers, especially if they are experts in snakes, to send their concerns to him directly and to notify the production company and network regarding the mistreatment of these animals. Please see our press release with the appropriate contact information on our website:
www.AHAFilm.org. With the growing support of the public, AHA hopes to get a committment from these producers and networks to end the mistreatment of animals in their reality programming.
Would it be possible for you to send another letter to AHA that also mentions your background regarding snakes? You mention here that you are part of a "reptile community." Your credentials and/or experience would lend further weight to your concerns.
Thank you for your support and for your concern for the animals.
Karen Rosa
Communications Manager
Film and TV Unit
818-501-0123 ext. 19