respiratory infection contagious?
I have a 2' blood, a 2' ball, and my son has a 4' ball. A friend of my son bought a little ball 5 months ago, and recently told me it didn't look good, and asked if I could take it in and try to help it. Well, he brought it over tonight and it looks horrible! I told him that he's not getting it back because of the deplorable condition it was in, and he was incapable of caring for it. I mean, how frigging hard is a ball python to care for!?!
Anyway, I soaked the dehydrated little guy in some warm water for about 2 hours, and eye dropped some water in his throat, removed 2 stuck sheds, and rubbed him down till he came around. I was told he hadn't eaten in about 4 months!I then put him in a spare tank that i have, and thawed a mouse for him, which he took pretty quickly, although he was weak. I noticed that he must have an RI because of the weezing/whistling sound. My question is this, is a RI contagious? The snake is in it's own tank, but is near my blood, and I'm not risking her health for anything. Should I put the RI snake in another room? Any help would be great.
I am taking the RI snake to a herp vet on the previous owners dime on monday....