Originally posted by MouseKilla
I don't know where all that humidity is coming from if you aren't misting at all.... that's quite confusing. I see that you live about an hour away from me and not in South America so I'm assuming that the ambient humidity in your house is somewhere around 30% this time of year as it is in mine. If all that humidity is coming from just a water dish at the hot spot it makes me wonder just how hot your hot spot is. I'm no good with gallon sizes but I believe the tank I have my female in is 24 x 12.5 x 12.5". I have an 8 x 8 x 3" water bowl with a 60w bulb burning directly down on it. I have a wire type lid on it that is 3/4 covered with a damp towel. All that alone only gets me to maybe 40% humidity so I find myself misting to gain the other 20% or so that I figure she needs. I can't figure out what I'm doing differently.
Was just going over some old posts and saw that I missed this one sorry. I'm able to keep humidity at 60% and above without misting because of the lid I have on the tank. I have to thank Slannesh for helping me come up with the idea but what I did is create a plexi glass lid that fits on the small edge on the inside of the 50 gallon tank. With that lid I then drilled holes all the way around the edge of the lid, but I drilled them at a 45o angle. This way any humidity trying to escape out the holes since it rises straight up hits the plexi glass first so it doesn't escape as quickly. I can post a pic of the lid when I get home tonight, but it has really worked wonders. I don't have to mist and I don't have a problem with condensation building up on the glass either.