Neat story
Ok I had a house gecko in my basement bathroom. The one day I was cleaning and because these little guys are SO fast it got out while I was tring to catch it to move it, so I could clean. Anyway I looked but the roof is not finished so there was TONS of places that a 3inch little lizard could hide. This was in about sept I think?? Keep in mind we also have 4 very active cats. Now last night I was putting some cloths into the dryer also downstairs and I look down and see a lizard, I just thought that's a neat toy (2 little bros, 2 young nephews) I go to pick it up and it moves! Turns out it's my missing house gecko that I had given up for dead. Needless my mom and sister were happy I found it, although not so happy that it was nice and fat, they don't like the idea of that meny bugs in their house. I just thought that it was neat.
1.1 crested gecko ( cresty and sticky!)
0.0.1 crested baby
0.0.1 Mali Uro (Spike)