That is pretty scary that people don't realize they're joking. But folks are going to read into things whatever they like. Human nature.
In any case, if this *is* a case of child abuse why is everyone only concerned with what goes on in public? Does that mean that private child abuse is alright, just so long as we don't see it?
Either it is, or it isn't. Either you don't care, or you're very upset about how someone else is treating/raising their children altogether rather than one incident.
Personally, I don't think they abuse their children, thus I'm not going to presume to tell them how to raise them. Steve loves his father, clearly doesn't seem to have any resentments or feel that he was abused. *shrugs* Bob is fine. Bindi-Sue is fine. In mho.
We're obviously not going to convince each other, I've said my piece, and I'm gonna move on.
Peace and Knowledge