A few weeks ago
I was arguing with someone a few days ago about frozen and canned nutriments.
Well we both were wrong.
And I remembered I read somewhere frozen wasn't keeping the nutrition in the meat or veggies.
Anyways I just wanted to mention where I read this.
It was in the Reptile Medicine and Surgery by Mader on page 329.
I quote:
"An other dietary cause of neurologi symptoms is vitamin B complex deficiencies. This may be seen in carnivorous that are fed large amounts of frozen fish or herbivorous lizards fed large amounts of frozen vegetables. Freezing decreases vitamon levels and increases thiaminase activity, resulting in thiamine (B1) deficiency."
For all those who say their reptiles are having seizures, you might want to read up on page 329 of this book, most of the time it's sign of mbd.
Anyhow, just wanted to let you guys know I wasn't all that crazy.