iguana movie
i saw in my reptiles magazine, theres a childrens book about iguanas that there going to turn into a movie. i see nothing but bad results from this. its good for children to get to learn about reptiles so they will learn that they arn't all mean animals that hurt. But now children are going to see this movie and what will they all want? pet iguanas. children can not care for iguanas, a good number of adults can't care for iguanas properly. theres going to be iguanas flooding reptile rescues and probably alot of deaths. plus the injury of people, iguanas can be very dangerous which most people know. i think iguanas were one the worst reptiles they could have picked. but that almost doesn't matter; the level of how easy they are to care for. alot of turtles are rather easy to care for, but back when ninja turtles were big, people were buying loads of them and mistreating them badly, and hundreds of them ended up in rescues. but i dont know, maybe that wont happen but i guess we'll have to wait and see
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