Just a few questions??
okay, its been about a two weeks since my friend and I put his 8 1/2 ft female BCI with my 7 ft Male BCI. So far I have witnessed (what I believe) was copulation on two occasions. Not just rubbing his tail against hers, I mean her tail was up and his was under hers and I am almost positive they did the deed..lol What I am wondering, is how long will it take before I see signs that she is gravid? She has gotten really dark, and I believe will be sheding soon. I have read that Retics will shed approx 2 weeks after copulation, is this so for boas as well or is this just coincidence? Also, how long will it take before she gives birth, if copulation was successful? Any other tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as this is my first attempt at breeding.