Underwater plants?
Hey everyone,
I want to add underwater plants for my african bull frog to add a naturalsitic look to his tank what kind of beeding would u need so that the plant could grow and what kind of plants could I add that won't be toxic to him or any other frogs. I also want to get a filter that will circulate the water and add air. Filters sorta confuse me i rember someone told me fluval is good ahwile back but when i went to go buy one it had all these add ons and i wasen;t sure what to get. Do all filter use carbon and stuff lol sry but if someone could take like 2 mins to explain to me how it works and what things i need to buy for it to work it would be great thx
merry christmas
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon