MDB ahhhh (sorry long)
I was in a Mall today and thought lets go into this pet store and see if they have some cool accesiories i can buy... well i see one reptile set up and what do you know its a little veiled. $119
When i finnaly found her I was shocked, the worst case of MDB i have ever seen. she was lieing there like she couldent move and u could see the personality flowing out of her poor eyes. I got the manager and showed him "I checked her yesterday and she looked fine he replied" bah lol like it happens in a day. then he perceeds to pick her up by reacing down and grabbing her and in the process breakes her arm.... I couldent take it with my girl dieing the other and and I just started to cry right there in the store. My boyfriend then joined me in the store and freeked out as well, lol what a seen. the manager then replied "ill have to get her some medication" omg it was unbarrible.
Where can i report this crap?
How does this happen with all the info now, and this wasent a case of a slightly rubberie cask. ahhh.
I have seen some bad stuff b4 but this was bad.
Some time i can beleave that when I try soo hard to give the best care i can and a cham still dies, and then this poor girl in the store will hold on with all her might and live through that.
I am soo mad at that poo hole.