My new blood
Well my lovely new Blood seems to be settling in quite well, I've done a tonne of reading and research , but man it dosen't really prepare you for how incrediably (sp?) powerfull these animals are. My good friend Jim (jwsporty) brought him/her over at 8:30 this mornin glad he came early the wait was killing me. I'm just so thrilled to have the privledge of caring for something so beautiful, Bloods have always fascinated me since i was a kid, I could look at them for hours in books. I've decided to call her/him Precious as my daughter said i was starting to sound like can i say I have my dream snake. Just had to share with all of you there's a pic of my lovely under jwsporty in this section ......Happy holidays everyone... I got my present early, spoilt brat that i
Laura-Lee L