Monkey tailed skink
Hey everyone,
today while I was doing my community service for highschool at a local pet store I noticed that the Monkey tailed skink was in a tall wide metal cage , it was in shed and it was sorta peeling off but as far as i know from my cousin because he has one don;t they need alot of humity excepically when there in shed and i'm not sure because there was no humity thermometer but i would be guessing that a metal cage wouldn;t keep humity to well i told the manager and he says he'll tell the reptile dude hopefully they'll swich it to a tank or at leats cover some of the venatlation( basically the whole cage is vented) so that humity will stay better and the bad part was they were seeling the monkey tailed sink with the cage and everything in side for $500 and now someone will end up buying that cage and the skink and it will eventually die of dehydration i go evey teusday so hopefully they'll be some improvement. but besides that all the other reptile are in good condition which i was pleased to see
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon
Last edited by Nicky; 12-17-03 at 05:40 PM..