The Current In house Collection Consists of:
Snakes: 0.1 ETB 1.2 BRB 1.2 JCP 1.2 BMexKS 1.1 BCI 0.2 KSB 2.1 BP 1.0 Corn 0.1 ATB
Monitors: 0*.1 Varanus albigularis 1.2 Varanus dumerilii 1.0 Varanus jobiensis 2.2 Varanus acanthurus.
Other: 1.3 Leos 1.1 Veiled Cham. 0.0.1 Frilled Dragon
Other, Other-0.0.1 Chilean Rose T. 5.20 Rats 1.4 mice 0.3 Birds 15 Tropical Fish 3.0 Ducks
0.1 Bandogge 0.1 Partner 3.2 Kids
The albigularis and Frilled Dragon have mates at another location Looking for a Sub adult 0.1 Jobiensis, Looking/Partner reqd. for the 1.0 KSB Morph Need a partner for the 0.1 ETB soon
Thanks for looking