Well after about a month of getting my tank ready I got everything where it was supposed to be. Here is what my tank looks like
Thanks too Slannesh for all the help he gave me setting it up. Temps are right, and I don't even have to mist to keep humidity @ 60%.
Here's the little guy I got
Picture is kinda blurry I'll get a better one after he has become one with his new home. He seemed kinda stressed from the ride home. His name is Fred for now, that what he was named so until I come up with something better he's Fred. I put him in their and he crawled right into one of the PVC tubes has been their ever since. Now comes the hardest part leaving him alone for 2 weeks so he can get used to his new home. :grumps:
He was on F/T Fuzzies, I'm going to try and switch him to Rats ASAP, already got one in the freezer. Figured I would try and feed him in about 5 days. I guess my only question at this point is, I'm still not 100% sure on all the Size terminology. This is what I've picked up so far, feel free to correct my mistakes.
Pinkie mice = smallest mice
Then I'm not sure what would come after fuzzies. For Rats I got no clue what the scale is. If someone could enlighten me that would be great.