I stopped off at a local pet shop today on my way home from work...
first sad thing I saw was a gorgeous California King snake that I am pretty positive was dead. He was not sitting in a natural way...
But even worse was the tiniest tree boa I had ever seen that was on the verge of death. He was the skinniest snake I have ever seen in my life. Not an ounce of anything on him, pure skin and bones. He was in shed, which was of course patchy and un healthy, as he sat there all you could see was his skin folded and wrinkled and his little tongue slowly coming out every once and a while to show that he was still gripping on to life. I felt so horrible for the little guy and only wished I had $150 to at least attempt to save him, although the condition he was in, I'm not sure he would pull through.
Soo soo sad.