Cup Feeding(Long)
Ok so I have this cage that I built(2'wide/1 and 1/2' deep/3' tall) that I keep my cham in. Its a screen cage thats built with plywood as a top and bottom and 2x4's cut in half as a the corners and the door. Well my problem is that I cant really cut the crickets loose in the cage cuz there is a gap in the cage that they can get out of. So I have been hand feeding him some times and the rest I have been putting one cricket in at a time and watch it till he eats it then I put another one in and wait till he eats it and so on and so on. Well this is pretty time consuming aside from his regular care that I give him. So today I thought I would try something different and cup feed him( put crix in the cup and just leave the cup in the cage. So I took a cup that could probably hold about a litre and a half of water and put some clean rocks in the bottom so he wouldnt tip it over when he sat on the edge. Well he wanted nothing to do with it. Is the cup too big for him maybe? Or does he just need more time to get use to it?? This would really be more convenient(sp) for me. Not that I dont enjoy spending time with him. I just dont like spending and hour or so feeding him. Any suggestions?? Thanks.
0.2 common boas
1.0 veiled chameleon
0.0.1 savannah monitor