chameleons in love
I have 2 free-roamers living in our huge bathroom right now. They are both against the wall and cannot see each other due to a big portable dresser/closet thingy in between them. On the one side is my female veiled, who I might add is super fat right now and ready to explode with eggs. On the other side is my ½ blind old geezer male veiled. Only one power cord connects the two cages.
Well, the other day when I went to say good-night to them, my female was missing. Sure enough, she was on top of the dresser, looking down at the geezer with the gaze of love. I decided to leave her be and see what happens. He hadn’t seen her yet because she was on his bad side.
The next day, she was hanging on for dear life, between the wall and the edge of the dresser, so I put her back in her house. This did not last, as that night she was actually over at the top entrance to his area. He saw her this time, and appeared to not care, so I let her be.
Two days later and they are still living together, taking turns in front of the basking area. Then they take turns eating. She is absolutely smitten with him, but he is so old and never performed, that I think he doesn’t know how to!! It is so cute. I keep peeking in on them to catch a bit of chameleon porn, but its just not happening. And its weird too, cause I think she’d be looking for a place to lay right now, not for some action!
Oh they are soo funny. Just thought I ‘d share.