today my friend told me that her ex boyfriend has this turtle (she dosen;t know what kind) thats about 5-7inches long in a 10 gal tank!! its water apperently is about 3 inches deep with a arock and he never cleans the cage. thats disgusting if i got sojme pictures of its enclosure and showed them to human society do u think theyd help or does anyone know what kind of organaziation could help or have suggestions i even talked to him about proper care and told him that he deffently needed a bigger cgae then a 10 gal no matter what kind of tutle it is and that it needs to be cleaned more regularly but he says that hes dosen;t have thje time or money i even offered to buy it of him for $150 and he rufused! heprobably only paid $20 for it. i'm totally lost on what to do i'm going to his house monday to take some pics and see the setup but any help on who i could contacxt or anything would be so great right now thx.
Kayla Young
1.2 Corns, 0.1 Ball python, 0.1.2 crested gecko's and 0.0.1 Bearded dragon