Iv had a new panther male for about 3 weeks now he is 1 1/2 and since i have got him he is continually going down hill, His eyes have continuasilly been sinking even though we are misting the hell out of him and he is drinking like mad. I have never seen him eat although i have noticed diminished crix. I have tryed him with different foods with ne sucess although i do think he has eatin some silks. I resorted to force feeding him today with out much luck so i mashed up some crix ewwwww but that dident work well too many cricket parts clog the tube, and he refuses to open his mouth and when he finaly does he trashes his head. still strong.
Prob # two some discoloration around his tail it looks like brusing similar to a females vent after laying eggs, ill show a pic. also when i run my finger along his tail the discolored area seems to bee soft not like my other male.
so ony sugestions on how to force feed him easier. or what the discoloration is. I have delt with sick chams b4 but this guy seems to want to suffer.
sorry had to take these pics with my webcam so there not that great