Brief history:
Larry: female iggy.
approx. 3-4yrs old.
adopted by me, came to live here on Sept 28/03.
Temps are fine ( 90-95F basking, rest of enclosure goes down from there.
Enclosure is big enough (made from a full closet....and she free roams her room)
said to be a good eater etc.
initial couple days were rough, lots of tailwhips.
she calmed fast
she is happy here from what I can tell (relaxed posture, dewlap positioning, she climbs onto my arm and enjoys cuddles)
She won't eat.
She is 42" long (full tail)
only 3.3lbs.
Her ribs are showing and I can see she's losing weight.
I am offering her everything.
Dandelion greens, collards, squash, sweet potato, mango, figs, parsnip, escarole, endive.....pellets, baby food veggies....
I am lucky if she eats approx. 1cup salad a wk.
Last fecal check normal ( July 03)
Suggestions please???????
I can't stand seeing her lose more weight.
She's scaring me.