Ok I just wanted to chime in on this.
First, cheapest place. Depends on what kind of bedding you want to use. Personally I recommend news paper. That is also probably the cheapest. Shredded is the best.
As far as pine controlling odor. Pine is bad So are all other Conifers (spelling?) Its bad for snakes its bad for rats. If your using pine to keep down the smell for rats wich don't really smell bad at all, (they aren't like mice) then your not changing your bedding often enough. If your letting ammonia levels get so bad in your rats cage that you you smell it then your doing something wrong. Feeding your snakes rats or mice raised in pine or cedar can be potentially harmful to your snakes.
There is a reason labs do not use pine or cedar, it causes illness and cancer.
P.S. Zoe only the bit about the new print being cheap is for you, the rest of the stuff about keeping your rats and mice in pine is for everyone else who thinks that its a good idea.
If you are going to use pine anyways, wal-mart should have a hell of a deal on it.
Snakes? I just like to teraform!