Some Updated pics - large post
I was asked for some updated pics of the Pastel Orange Ghost, here are some updated pics.
Pastel Orange Ghost Male. Graziani Line Pastel with NERD line Orange Ghost.
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Pastel Orange Ghost with some female Pastels 50% possible het Orange Ghost and a 100% het Orange Ghost male (who happens to be a black back)
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The above animals with my Orange Ghost female (mother to the Pastel Orange Ghost male)
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Pastel Orange Ghost beside a yearling Red Axanthic female
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Pieds, Red Axanthic female and 1.1 Pieds
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1.1 Pieds (male from 2001 and female from 2002) and 1.2 Red Axanthics (male from 2001 and females from 2002)
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Last but not least some of my F2 Black Stripes. The animal on the left is a 2002 and the 2 animals on the right are 2003's.
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